Increasing open rates from 25% to 45%

It's easier than you think. You should just copy us.

This might seem like one of those dubious statistics that marketing agencies post on their website to paint themselves in a favourable light.

But it’s not.

It’s a real case study.

And I’m doing something a little bit different. I’m going to tell you how we did it so you can copy it - I’m nice like that.

So, let’s get those rookie numbers up.

Cleaning your list

It’s actually quite simple and perhaps a little boring, but it’s also incredibly effective.

With the client I was referring to, we separated out the subscribers who were consistently unengaged and only emailed the subscribers who are engaging/had engaged fairly recently.

Do you feel cheated? Does this seem like a cheap trick?

Well, it shouldn’t. Here’s why we did it, and why you should do it too:

  • Deliverability - improving your engagement metrics impacts your deliverability. Better engagement will help keep you out of the spam folder.

  • Vanity - if you’re obsessing over your subscriber count and not your click rate, you’re doing email wrong. We want high-quality engagement, not a crowd of deaf ears.

  • Segmenting - if you segment these unengaged melts, you can target them with a specific campaign to try and re-engage them. Campaigns to segments almost always perform better.

  • Save some money - if you archive or suppress the subscribers you aren’t contacting, it might well bring your email platform fee down (don’t delete them).

  • Better reporting - you will start to get a better understanding of how your emails are performing. You want to understand what is resonating with your target audience.

I hope that helps.

What’s going on at The Inbox Club?

A lot less than normal.

James and I are sunning ourselves in Italy this week.

We have our very unapologetic out-of-office replies on and we’re doing minimal work.

See you on Monday

Us a few Chiantis deep

See you next time

Jamie x