Pop your automated sequence cherry 🍒

A special treat at the end of this email, plus automated email sequences for dummies

Automated email sequences are really nice. Like, really really nice.

If you build them correctly, they’ll work away in the background nurturing leads whilst you sleep.

But before we get into that good stuff, let’s go back to basics.

What is an automated email sequence?

Well, you didn’t ask but you’re still here so I’ll give you the answer.

An automated email sequence is a bunch of emails you write that are triggered by certain actions to nurture your readers at a specific point in their buying cycle/customer lifetime.

A few things that make up a sequence:

  1. Triggers: what is the criterion that triggers the sending of an email? Usually, this is based on whether the subscriber has/hasn’t done something or is/isn’t something. Example: Has downloaded my white paper and is based in London.

  2. Delays: You build in an instruction that tells the email platform when to send the email. Example: After 2 days, send this email

  3. Emails: Duh - these are the emails that make up a workflow. Example: you know what an email is, right?

Here’s an example from MailChimp:

Get it? Good.

What automation should I put in place?

Let’s ignore the fact that you should have a welcome automation in place for a moment (you definitely should) and focus on something else.

Automations we often build for clients that work really well are lead nurture sequences. Here’s how they work in layman’s terms:

  1. Have a lead magnet - something shiny and valuable that people want to download or attend about a specific topic.

  2. Grab their email address - to download or attend, they sign up for your emails.

  3. Build a sequence - follow-up emails that talk specifically about that topic.

An example of that (which is coming soon by the way):

  1. We create a playbook designed to help B2B businesses build their email list.

  2. You enter your email address in order to download the playbook.

  3. Our follow-up sequence includes bonus content and information about our list-building services.

What happens when they finish the sequence?

At this point, they move onto your regular newsletter list. But make sure you keep them segmented based on their activity. Why? Back to our example: When we launch another list-building product in 6 months, we’ll know who is likely to be interested.

Got questions? Hit reply

What’s going on at The Inbox Club?

I want to tell you about just one thing today, and there’s a special treat here for you too.

James and I are running an in-person email marketing workshop and you should come.

The deets:

đź“… 25th Sept 2024 , 9.30 to 11.30am

đź“Ť Online via Zoom or Shoreditch Exchange, London

Oh, and we can offer you 15% off too.

You can find tickets on Eventbrite

15% off with code BDMEXTRA15

That’s all for this week,

Catch you soon
